
Residents can comment on Blyvoor Gold Mine’s plans

Residents can give their input on an application by Blyvoor Gold Mine for an air emissions licence and environmental authorisation to resume the activities at the mine.

According to Ms Nondumiso Gwala of the company, Digby Wells Environmental, which is handling the application, it was put up on the website and various public places for viewing and commenting by the public on Friday, 30 November.
According to the information in the document, Blyvoor Gold may not re-employ the workers from the previous operation.
However, it will undertake community development projects and engage with the community. The company plans to maximise the use of local labour, even if it means increasing their 70 per cent local hire commitment by reducing the 30 per cent provincial hire.
Among other things, the document indicates that the local, district and provincial government will receive an estimated R31 million over the next ten years in mining royalties, based on the legislative guidelines.
Blyvoor Gold will also be paying taxes as applicable to the various levels of government. It will also contribute approximately R1,7 million to the National Skills Fund over ten years.
Part of the mine’s SLP is to participate in LED projects, with spending in the order of R 56 million over ten years.
The report acknowledges that the dust from the mine could lead to health concerns.
‘Such dust dispersion is not only a nuisance but also a potential health hazard to inhabitants within close proximity and can also cause soil and water pollution,’ the report states.
Promethium, a radioactive element, will be the primary pollutant of concern during the project.
The document will be available for comment till Tuesday, 22 February 2019.
Interested residents who want to contact Gwala can call her at 011 789 9495.

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