
Let’s talk About It- Learning to love

I have come to realise that our purposeand duty on earth as human beings is to learn to love. No is one perfect and we all make mistakes – but they are a big part of learning. It is not easy to love but it comes naturally because that is the nature of humanity. The …

I have come to realise that our purposeand duty on earth as human beings is to learn to love. No is one perfect and we all make mistakes – but they are a big part of learning. It is not easy to love but it comes naturally because that is the nature of humanity. The only issue is that we have grown up in a hateful world where love is never taught or practised. The world has been polluted by hatred and, hence, there is so much violence, crime and murders that are taking place regularly. Nowadays, people kill each other without any remorse and the evil spirit seems to be thriving. The senseless killings have almost become fashionable and are increasing by the day. This is very sad because so many innocent lives are being taken. Children are being killed ruthlessly and women tortured to death. Basically, this shows that there is no more love in this world and that is why we see so many terrible things happening. It is clear that something wrong is happening to mankind because man is no longer kind to man. We all need to come to the realization that, without purpose, we end up losing direction. A person who understands that the purpose of life is to
love and to learn how to love will not harm another. We must realize that, without love, there is no happiness, and what is a life without happiness? Without love, we become empty and cold because love is warm and it fills us with joy. I have noticed that very few people, including myself, know how to show love. Not all of us have had the privilege
of being raised in a loving family. Love has to start with the family because that is where the children see and learn.
A child who grows up in a loving family is more likely to be secure and confident but a child who grows up in a dysfunctional home is likely to either be self-destructive because they have a low self-esteem or a bully or a criminal
because they want to take their anger out on others. Learning to love can be the most difficult process but I consider it to be very important because it will enable us all to become better people. Learning to love is all about bettering
ourselves and our world. We all want to live in a better world one day. It is time for humanity to take control
of our destiny because, without love, I wonder where the world is heading. Let us learn to love and create a better
world. I believe love is the solution to most of humanity’s problems. It is sad that love is not a subject at school but
we, as humans beings, can teach each other through the way we treat each other and the way we communicate –
that is how we can learn to love. Love is about giving life and life is all about giving love.

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