GUIDE: Where to get the best school stationery deals in ‘Januworry’
With most parents having to stretch their budgets as far as possible in what is known as “Januworry”, finding good deals on school stationery can be a lifesaver.
With schools set to reopen at the end of January, despite the prevailing Covid-19 uncertainty, we looked for the best options available to save some money on that Pritt.
One of the few blessings of the coronavirus pandemic is that a lot more shopping can be done online, so all these prices were sources on online platforms.
Our key recommendations for parents looking for school stationery include:
If you are buying bulk, Takealot is a good option, but if not, it will frustrate you.
If your child’s school is not particular about brands, you can consider CNA as they have some specials running.
Waltons has the best range of basics, but little glitz or glam.
The Checkers bundle seems like the best option, if the brands match what your child’s school wants.
All these price comparisons were done using online shopping sites – if you need specific brands or products, you might just have to hit the road and go to physical shops.
Bundles options
A smart way to shop is to look at bundled product offerings that tend to provide some discounts on certain items, although usually not all.
Checkers’ Stationery Box costs R899,99 and R699,99 if you swipe the Checkers card
The individual product prices of the box are as follows:
2×2 43g Pritt glue sticks R69,98
2 pack Bic blue ball point pens R22,99
2 pack Bic black ball point pens R22,99
3 pack Staedtler HB pencils R32,99
2 pack Steadler erasers R15,99
1 pack Staedtler sharpener R34,99
14 pack Staedtler retractable wax crayons R72,99
10 pack Staedtler fluorescent ball point pens R34,99
12 pack Staedtler long colouring pencils R15,99
1 pack Shatterproof ruler R12,99
4 x 30 pocket Flip Files R36,99
4 x 20 pocket Flip Files R22,99
2 x 10 pack Jiffy plastic slip-on book covers R25,98
6 x 192 pages A4 hard cover books R116,94
6 x 72 pages Croxley counter books R41,94
1 pack Typek A4 photostat paper 500 sheets R61,99
2 x 100 pages A4 exam pads R19,98
10 piece Croxley Maths Set R34,99
1 pack clear Sellotape 50 cm R16,99
Takealot’s Educat Grade 7 Stationery Pack costs R425 and includes the following:
Value Pack 10 pens set black
Value pack 10 pens set blue,
Maths set x 1, solar calculator x 1,
4 pack assorted highlighters,
Rulers x 2, scissors x 1, 250ml white craft glue,
Liquid glue, stick it Prestik,
Pack of 12 cellotapes,
Colouring pencils x 1pk of 12,
5 x pack erasers,
24 asst colors khokis,
12 HB smart writer
Individual purchases
If you are looking to buy stationery products individually, a big variable is whether your child’s school insists on a particular brand.
Herewith is a comparison through of stationery prices between Checkers’ stationery box with Pick n Pay, Waltons, CNS, and Takealot, as of 5 January 2021: