Tuesday Life Hack: 6 tips for driving in wet weather

Parts of South Africa are experiencing strong winds and extremely wet weather this week, which has exacerbated traffic and made driving a little more challenging. Here are some life hacks to consider.

Slippery roads, stormy weather, panic-stricken drivers and impatient taxis all contribute to the frustration and challenge of driving in wet conditions. For some reason, many people forget how to drive when confronted with stormy weather coupled with overcast skies. The big cities are the most affected especially when the weather changes during rush hour. Here are some tips to remember when you’re forced to drive in these conditions throughout the summer season:

1. Make sure you slow down

This is a no-brainer but there is no need for speed when the roads are slippery and wet so make sure you drive at a steady pace. This will make it easier for you to stop when you have to.


2. Ensure that your headlights and brakes are working

These are two vital things for driving in wet weather. If your headlights are on you’ll see better especially if the sky is grey or darker than usual. If your headlights are on they also alert other drivers. Working brakes mean you can react faster to situations that require you to brake.


3. Leave extra space in front and at the back of your car

Always drive with some space between the cars in front of you and behind you. This gives you space to brake and not hit the other cars and also ensures that if you reverse you have distance between the cars behind you. If you’re driving in severe stormy conditions, your hazards should be on.


4. Your windscreen wipers should be on and working

Driving in rainy weather with faulty windscreen wipers is a sure fire way of getting into an accident because it will obstruct your view making it difficult to react to situations around you. Make sure your wipers work and that your headlights are also on.


5. Check your tyres

Make sure your tyres are in good working condition before the rainy season begins. If the water is quite deep don’t steer into it or you might be in trouble, rather pull over until it subsides.


6. Buckle up

Ensure that your seatbelt is always on and that every passenger in the car is secure and safe.

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