Local entertainment at its best

See what is happening in Brakpan.

• November 7

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a netconnect meeting at 8.30am. There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact Chantelle du Plessis (chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050).

• November 8

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a monthly women’s network meeting at 8.30am. There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact Chantelle du Plessis (chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050).

Hirsch’s Carnival.

• November 14

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a netconnect meeting at 8.30am There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050.

• November 15

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a women’s network meeting at 9.30am There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050.

• November 22

Hirsch’s Carnival, will host a domestic workers course at 9am. There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050.

• 24 November

’n Kinderkunsuitstalling word te Maroelastraat 5, Dalpark aangebied vanaf 9vm tot 11vm. Die toegang is gratis. Skakel Petra Ahlers vir meer

Dawid de Lange, (7, links,) en Chase Douglas (9) spog met hul kunswerke by die jaarlikse kinderkunsuitstalling.

inligting (082 550 3419).

• November 28

Hirsch’s Carnival will host a netconnect meeting at 8.30am There is no charge but booking is essential. Contact chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050.

30 November

The Just Wheels Motorklub hou ’n Kersmark vanaf 5nm by die klubhuis wat te Kitzingerlaan 69, Dalview geleë is. Kontak vir Hannetjie van der Mescht (082 263 7567) vir meer inligting.

• Die NG Kerk, Brakpan-Oos hou ’n Kersmark vanaf 3nm tot 8nm. Talle vlooimarkstalletjies, lekker kos, tombola en koektafel. Die SANB sal vanaf 3nm op die perseel wees vir mense wat wil bloed skenk. Vir stalletjies en meer inligting kontak vir Alta Rudolph (083 396 7591).

• 1 Desember

Die NH Kerk, Brakpan Harmonie te Dirk van der Hoffweg hou ’n kermis op die kerkgronde vanaf 9vm. Stalletjies kan gehuur word deur vir Elmarie Gresse te kontak (084 981 3327).


• December 7

The Just Wheels Car Club will host a Carols by Candlelight evening from 5pm at the clubhouse, situated at 169 Kitzinger Avenue, Dalview. Residents are welcome.

• 7 Desember

’n Nagmark wat om 6nm begin word in Minnebron te Koos Vorsterlaan 1 (by die Colours Car Wash perseel) gehou vanaf 6nm. Vir stalletjies en meer inligting kontak vir Glynis Janse van Rensburg (078 622 0270).

Also read: Charity shop needs unwanted goods


• Tuesday

The Brakpan Homecrafts Society meets every first Tuesday of the month at the St Peter’s Anglican Church hall at 10am. New members are welcome. For more information contact Jane Donker (011 915 2539).

• A Narcotics Anonymous meeting for people who have a problem with drugs, or think they may have a problem with drugs, is held every Tuesday at 7.30pm at the St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 74 Queen Avenue.

• Die Brakpan-tak van die Vroue Landbou-Unie vergader elke tweede Dinsdag van die maand om 10vm in die saal van die NH Kerk te Dirk van der Hoffstraat. Belangstellendes kan vir Isobel van Eeden kontak (084 585 5157).

Vroue Landbou Unie.

• Wednesday

Christian Missionary Fellowship International invites you to an interdenominational prayer fellowship every Wednesday from 5.30pm to 7pm at 121 Athlone Avenue, Dalview. For more information contact Ariel Mesa (083 480 4737).

• A soup kitchen is held every Wednesday from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 74 Queen Avenue.

• Thursday

Tutela Brakpan, geleë te 106a Northdenelaan, gaan voortaan elke tweede en laaste Donderdag van die maand ’n klere verkoping by die kantoor hou.

• Business owners are invited to join a prayer hour hosted by the Christian Family Church, Brakpan. The church is situated at 2 Carmyllie Avenue, Dalview, and the prayer hour starts at 1pm every Thursday. For more information contact Past Linda-Lee Brits (071 493 6454).

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