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What’s happening in Brakpan?

September 30

A Cosy Corner Market and Craft Beer Fair will take place from 9am to 3pm at the Cosy Corner Moth Club. The Moths will also celebrate their 90th Birthday. For more information, contact Janet Nick (073 914 9955).

September 30 and October 1

A market will take place at the Casbah Roadhouse in Brakpan, located in Prince George Avenue. Arts and crafts stalls will be on the premises from 9am to 5pm. For more information or to book a stall, contact Johan Grove (011 740 3521).

7 Oktober

Die Brakkies Musiekfees vind vanaf 10vm by Laerskool Die Arend se sportgronde plaas. Kunstenaars, onder andere Franja en DZL, sal deur die loop van die dag optree. Daar sal ook verskeie stalletjies en ’n kinderspeelarea wees. Vir meer inligting of om ’n stalletjie te bespreek, kontak vir Martin Ferguson (082 655 3764).

15 Oktober

‘n Gratis optrede deur die gospel sanger Cathy Viljoen sal by die NG Gemeente Brakpan-Oos plaasvind. Die optrede sal gedurende die oggenddiens, vanaf 9vm, plaasvind.

October 29

The Just Wheels Car Club will host a swap meet and jumble sale at their clubhouse, 169 Kitzinger Avenue, Dalview. There will be music and plenty to eat and drink. For more information or to book a flea market stall, contact Hannetjie van der Mescht (082 263 7567).

1 November

Hoërskool Die Anker bied ’n gholfdag by die Royal Oak Gholfbaan aan. Persone wat belangstel om te speel of betrokke wil raak met borgskap kan die skoolkantoor kontak (011 813 4160).

3 – 5 November

Die NG-kerk, Brakpan gemeente, geleë in Victorialaan, vier vanjaar sy 100-jarige bestaan met ’n feesnaweek. Toegang is gratis. ’n Byeenkoms vir die jeug sal op 3 November plaasvind en op 4 November sal ’n outydse kerkbasaar vanaf 8vm plaasvind. Die feesnaweek sal op 5 November met ’n outydse nagmaaldiens, wat om 9vm in die kerkgebou plaasvind, afgesluit word. Vir meer inligting, kontak die kerkkantoor (011 740 9259).



The Brakpan Homecrafts Society meets every first Tuesday of the month, in the St Peter’s Anglican Church hall, at 10am. New members are welcome. For more information, contact Jane Donker (011 915 2539).

A Narcotics Anonymous meeting for people who have a problem with drugs – or think they may have a problem with drugs – is held every Tuesday, at 7.30pm, at the St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 74 Queen Avenue.

Die Brakpan-tak van die Vroue Landbou-Unie vergader elke tweede Dinsdag van die maand, om 10vm, in die saal van die NH-kerk, te Dirk van der Hoffstraat. Belangstellendes kan vir Isobel van Eeden kontak (084 585 5157).


Christian Missionary Fellowship International invites you to an interdenominational prayer fellowship, every Wednesday, from 5.30pm to 7pm, at 121 Athlone Avenue, Dalview. For more information, contact Ariel Mesa (083 480 4737).

A soup kitchen is held every Wednesday, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm, at the St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 74 Queen Avenue.


The East Rand Amateur Radio Club meets every Thursday, at 7pm, at its clubhouse, in Ebenezer Street, Arrowe Park, Benoni. For more information, contact Paul Connel (083 627 3576).

Business owners are invited to join a prayer hour, hosted by the Christian Family Church, Brakpan. The church is situated at 2 Carmyllie Avenue, Dalview, and the prayer hour starts at 1pm every Thursday. For more information, contact Past Linda-Lee Brits (071 493 6454).

A Parkinson’s Disease support group meeting takes place every last Thursday of the month, at Rynpark 6, corner of Struben and Parker streets, in Rynfield, Benoni. The meeting starts at 10am. Contact Heather Smith for more information (011 849 8509).


The Brakpan Dog Training Club meets every Saturday, at 3pm, at the club, in Hospital Road (opposite the Sherwood Shopping Centre). For more information, contact Pam Bubb (082 492 1062).


The Just Wheels Car Club hosts an open day at the clubhouse, every last Sunday of the month. The club is situated at 169 Kitzinger Avenue, Dalview.

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