
8 Easy (and doable) ways to become a healthier you!

Being the best version of yourself does not need to be a constant battle Try out these healthier habits today

Take your vitamins. Most of the food we eat these days simply do not contain all the nutrients our bodies require. Keep your vitamins next to your tooth brush so you won’t forget to take them in the morning.

Eat clean. Organic foods aren’t always widely available but eating whole foods will already benefit you greatly as you’ll be cutting down on all the chemicals in processed foods.

Say goodbye to fizzy cool drinks! This might be a hard one for many but remember that there are 10 teaspoons of sugar in a single can

And exchange it for water. We all know that the benefits of drinking water are real! It’s nature’s greatest gift to your body – so drink up!

stk73439corTry natural remedies first. Before heading to the chemist for over-the-counter meds look into a few natural remedies instead. With so many options at our disposal on the internet we can easily find replacements for pills that are natural and really work. Think, turmeric, apple cider vinegar and lemon which are but a few we’ve read about lately.

Get moving in a fun way. Try enjoyable means of exercise like dancing, swimming, walking or even climbing. Find something that doesn’t seem like effort to you.Enjoy that glass of wine. But just one! Don’t deprive yourself of all the good things in life. And if wine (or alcohol) isn’t for you then treat yourself to ice cream or a chocolate from time to time – and enjoy it!

Cut back on screen time. Read more, write more, paint or craft. To have a healthy mind we need to let it wander into new places once in a while.

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