Kersfees Extravaganza cancelled

Show has been cancelled countrywide.

The Kersfees Extravaganza, scheduled to take place at Carnival City’s Big Top Arena on December 16, has been cancelled countrywide due to “unforeseen circumstances”. 

The line-up would have included Gerhard Steyn, Manie Jackson, Nádine, Jay, Lianie May, Dewald Wasserfall, Louis Loock, Willem Botha, Brandon October and Rouchelle Liedemann.

The Brakpan Herald was offered tickets by Carnival City for this event and we ran a competition in which three readers could each win double tickets to the show.

Due to the cancellation, no winners will be selected and no tickets will be available.

Also read: Ring in the New Year with a four-hour SuperSokkie at Carnival City

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