Top hosting techniques for your Christmas dinner

Catering for everyone is a difficult task for many a hostess or host. Here are some techniques to assist you

Some only eat chicken and fish, some only beef, some are allergic to Glutenand some are watching their weight. There are three main dishes that need to be on the Christmas table, namely turkey/chicken, beef and gammon. The side dishes can be anything you prefer.

Here are some things to keep in mind when planning a dinner:

  • Plan ahead. Ensure that you have your recipes in orderand that you make dishes you have tried and tested.
  • Consider the menu – try not to make exotic foods. Most people are not keen on spicy foods.
  • Prepare the day before. Make as many things as possible the day before your dinner to save time for yourself on the day of.
  • Get up early to get everything doneand shower before guests arrive.
  • Greet guests upon arrival and offer refreshments immediately.
  • Thank you guests when they leave.

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