Local sport

Boxing club making a comeback

The club is hoping to return to its glory days.

While some sports clubs jumped back into a normal routine, others took a bit longer to get going after the Covid-19 enforced lockdown.

One such club was the Brakpan Amateur Boxing Club. The club, which has produced many top fighters in the past, seems to be up and running again.

The club disappeared back in 2006 only to return 10 years later.

The new comeback sees 36 young pugilists (boys and girls) all eager to compete, with 16 of them already graded to compete.

Morne Lutcke is the club’s top fighter at age 15. Despite the two years of inactivity, he has shown a lot of quality.

His performances have not gone unnoticed as he has been invited to train with the Ekurhuleni Boxing Academy among the elite amateur fighters in the region.

“He is our current pride boxer,” said coach Stefan Labuschagne.

“With this course of further training, he will be eligible to compete for a spot on the Olympic team.”

The club is looking to get back to its glory days.

“Our maximum number was 64 students in 2018. Back then we had 30 boxers who were graded and ready for tournaments,” said Stefan.

“We want to get the word out that boxing is not just about fighting. I know some mothers and fathers worry about children who are going to take blows to the head. It’s not about that. We as a club feel discipline requires each part of your life where boxing is a single part where we teach that discipline.”

Stefan is part of the coaching team that is led by Wimpie Labuschagne and Steven Labuschagne.

Fitness is important to the trainers.

“I would never take a boxer to a fight if he is not fit enough,” said Wimpie.

The club also has several adults who join in their fitness sessions. Training sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

For more information, contact club secretary Elize Labuschagne on 084 319 4487.

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