
Dangerous intersection gets attention

Residents may be aware of the high accident zone at the very busy intersection in Springs Road, at the corner of Farquharson Road

Anel Lategan writes by email:

Over the past months there have been several rather serious accidents.

One of the reasons is the tall reeds that obstruct the view on both sides of the traffic light.

It is impossible to see oncoming traffic from both left and right directions, but especially from the direction of Springs, because of the bend further down the road.

The matter was brought to the attention of Brakpan DA ward councillor Stephanie Ueckermann and she immediately saw the necessity to create a safer environment for motorists.

She arranged with the roads department to have front loaders sent out to remove the reeds and overgrowth obstructing the view.

The clearing of the reeds has been done over the past week and it is making a huge difference.

A great and sincere thank you to Stephanie and the Ekurhuleni Roads Department for making life better for residents.

Seeing the safety concerns and actually doing what’s best for the town deserves a heartfelt thank you and a well done!

All that remains is for the reed piles to be removed to the rubbish dump.


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