Editor's choiceLettersOpinion

Put a stop to this

'Moaning motorist' writes by email: It is only a matter of time before there is a terrible accident here.

‘Moaning motorist’ writes by email:

It is no wonder that the country suffers from such high levels of lawlessness when a majority of citizens cannot even follow simple rules, such as stopping at a stop sign.

I regularly travel along Pythian Street, in Brakpan North, and am probably one of only a handful of drivers who stop at the stop signs.

There are three three-way stops along this road – one at the corner of Hospital Road, one at the corner of De Villiers Street and one at the corner of Power Street/Escombe Avenue.

The last two are particularly problematic and most drivers don’t even bother to slow down for the stops, let alone come to a complete halt.

There is also a missing sign at the De Villiers Street intersection, which doesn’t help.

It is only a matter of time before there is a terrible accident here.

Please people, just stop.

Also read:

Speedsters must be stopped in their tracks

Speed limit must go

Motorists don’t stop

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