Disappointed in Brakpan

I am very disappointed with our way of living in Brakpan.

‘Anonymous’ writes by email:

I’ve been a resident of Brakpan for many years.

I went to school and finished school in Brakpan.

Our streets were in a better condition then. Streets in the residential areas today have been in a bad shape for years.

It seems the mayor has no intention of fixing the roads.

My car’s CV joints and suspension don’t last long because potholes are unavoidable.

Staff members in the shops are most unfriendly towards clients and have no respect for anyone.

I also see some local shops are selling expired food and beverages.

Neither the police nor the department of health does anything about it.

They also sell imitation consumer goods.

Video shops that were in Brakpan for many years, who paid tax and business licences, have closed their doors because of illegal copies being sold in the open in town.

When calling or making a case at the police station, they make excuses not to help you.

They take more than 24 hours to attend to you or don’t have vehicles available.

I am very disappointed with our way of living in Brakpan.

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Name change for Brakpan

Poor service delivery sets us back

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