Editor's noteLettersOpinion

Parks Department should hang its head in shame

The Parks and Recreation Department should hang its head in shame for the state all the facilities are in; toilets, playgrounds, rubbish bins, grass and trees.

Dougie Douglas writes by email:

I took photos at the Brakpan Dam and quarry on June 5.

The place has become a cesspool of rubbish and sewage.

One can see the filth and rubbish, especially plastic, discarded by Brakpan citizens, either at the dam or in the streets (out of their cars or just dumping as they are walking) and then the rubbish gets washed down the storm drains to the dam and quarry.

The algae has become so thick that the birds can walk on it.

What happened to the pumps in the dam itself?

Did the municipality remove them or were they stolen?

Where are the parks and recreation people working in Brakpan?

Do they not take notice?

Did the municipality not promise they would solve the problem of the stench at Brakpan Dam and the overflow problem?

This is surely a health hazard.

Anyone living near the dam should start suing the council for their health problems and the municipality should be charged for not ensuring the water quality of the quarry and the dam does not influence the quality of the underground water basin and other water surfaces it comes into contact with.

I can only imagine the amount of dead fish floating around this lake.

The Parks and Recreation Department should hang its head in shame for the state all the facilities are in; toilets, playgrounds, rubbish bins, grass and trees.

Why fence it off if it is in such a state?

Shame on the persons in charge!

Editor’s note: Comment is awaited from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

Also read: Trekker beland in Brakpan Dam

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