Overgrown service lane puts residents at risk

"I have reported this overgrown piece of land to the council but have had no response and, apart from this being a health risk, it’s also a hideout for our night time visitors."

Warren, from Dalview, writes by email:

On the morning of April 8, at around 3am, there were three men in my yard, carrying what looked to be a television set and some other electronic equipment.

They had gained access to my yard in Gerrit Maritz Street through an old service lane, which leads from Essex Street.

Fortunately, it was not my property that was burgled.

I have reported this overgrown piece of land to the council but have had no response and, apart from this being a health risk, it’s also a hideout for our night time visitors.

This is now the second time there has been criminal activity in this lane that I know of.

I would, however, like to thank the CPF and SAPS for their quick response.

Editor’s note: Comment is awaited from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

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