
Your pets may be creating problems for your neighbours

'From one animal lover to another' writes: Fireworks are a hot topic.

Even though it may only be four or five times a year, if that, that the community celebrates with fireworks (whether illegal or not), complaints are sent to the Herald for all to read.

Read: Honde erg getramatiseer deur vuurwerke

Vuurwerke klink soor oorlog

What do you do to protect your animals during these times?

You know all too well that people are going to use firecrackers.

I, on the other hand have to listen to your dogs barking day and night –  that you don’t seem to hear because you don’t get off your couch to see what they are barking at nor do you even wake up at night when they bark continuously.

I have to endure the smell of your dogs’ poop wafting into my house and around my garden because you haven’t picked it up because you’ll do it perhaps over the weekend!

I cannot even go to work and leave my windows open for fresh air because I have your cats coming into my house marking “their” territory in “my” home.

Surely, they wouldn’t wander if they were neutered or spayed?

And to top it all, I have to tolerate this 365 days of the year, not only on certain days!

I don’t want to hear your barking dogs day and night, I don’t want your cats in my garden using my flower beds as their personal loo and I certainly don’t want to smell dog poop everyday.

So while you feel offended and feel the need to complain about the fireworks and how it affects your pet, after each festivity, realise that you and your pet may actually be offending your neighbour!

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