Spineless coward killed our Ruby

''Animal lover'' writes by email: My beautiful dachshund dog ran into the road today (January 16).

A guy in a white Renault rode over her — he slowed down and then sped off, leaving her in the road.

I came out and picked her up and she died in my arms.

She was important to our family, a beloved pet, and her name was Ruby.

I said my goodbyes and buried her.

This happened at about 4.30pm, along Olga Mitchell Road, Anzac.

This man should think about what he did to this family today.

Had he stopped, I would not have blamed him, it was an accident after all, but he was a coward.

Please, if you hit an animal, just know that it is someone’s pet and friend.

Have the courage to stop and see where it came from, don’t be spineless and leave it in the road like garbage.

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