Eye on the metro: poor service delivery

Vernon Green writes by email: I am currently busy with the process of doing a sub-division in the Brakpan CBD, and I want to express my dissatisfaction with the service that I am currently receiving from the local municipality (EMM) and its staff.

I have paid all the contributions to the municipality to perform services related to a new water connection.

I have already received the 38C certificate and this is the last service that needs to be executed prior to me selling the property.

I have had to take time off work on numerous occasions to speak to the staff at EMM, as phone calls and emails are simply non-responsive.

I paid the contributions on March 19, and the work, according to the person responsible for new water meter connections at the municipality, would have been completed within 10 days from this date, ie, the work must have been completed by April 3.

On Monday, April 7, I went to this person to ask him why the work was not done and he told me that their system (Workflow) was offline.

I called prior to my visit, but failed to get any answer or response.

He told me that as soon as their system was back on line he would contact me.

This, however, did not become a reality.

On Monday, May 12, more than a month later, I went to him again to discuss this matter.

He told me that all work has been stopped by the contractor and that no work will be executed.

I asked him what the reason for this was and he could not give me any answers, but promised me that he would contact me before close of business.

Again, this did not happen.

On May 15, I phoned one of the other gentlemen who used to facilitate the installation of new water meters and he gave me the contractor’s phone number.

I phoned the contractor and was advised that it was, in fact, the municipality that stopped all work and he assisted me as far as possible, but could also not advise me on when the work would be executed.

I am currently frustrated by the situation and I feel that I am losing money on a daily basis, because I cannot sell the house.

On top of this I have received two water account bills from the EMM for this property.

This is totally bizarre, as there is no water meter!

Editor’s note: Comment is awaited from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

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