
This driver is a true gentleman

Cerkia writes by email: On Friday morning (March 7), at around 7.15am, while stationary at the traffic lights at the intersection near the Dalview Clinic, a taxi pushed in between mine and another car.

As the traffic light turned green and we pulled off, the taxi turned at the same time as me.

I thought that he was going to go straight, but he pushed me almost all the way into the oncoming traffic.

I blew my hooter, to which the taxi driver started shouting and showing violent hand gestures.

I, personally, think that he was either drunk or high.

I would, however, like to thank the gentleman in the champagne coloured Fortuna, who came to my rescue.

He helped me in the situation and the taxi driver then tried to push and bump him, but didn’t succeed.

Sir, thank you so very much for your help.

You are a true gentleman indeed.

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