
Eye on the metro — Paying for services we don’t receive

Ken Appelcryn from Minnebron writes: I am now really concerned about our local council and their service delivery.

On Friday morning, the truck came around but failed to pick up our garbage bags.

Now what?

This is going to bring about a rat plague and sickness!

Will the public health networks be able to cope with the serious diseases that will come about as a result of this mess?

What are we paying for?

I think that we now have to stop paying for services that we don’t receive.

It simply cannot continue like this anymore.

We, as citizens of this country, pay our taxes for a reason and every time there is a shortfall we simply have to foot the bill and go without, in order for others to continue their lavish lifestyles.

I stress again that I will not pay for services I do not receive!

The council can do what they like, I don’t care!

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One Comment

  1. We could not get a bin because we are renting the house where we stay. Now how must we put our refuse out for collection. I agree I think all residence must stop paying for services that we don not receive.

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