In the spotlight

Getting to know Carol Mofokeng.

Carol Mofokeng (38) is the manager of Siyabonga Africa’s Street-to-Feet programme. The non-profit organisation is based in Brenthurst and is committed to eradicating poverty and bringing about positive change. Carol is married to Morena (38) and has three children, Bongiwe (15), Reabetswe(7) and Mpho (2). She lives in KwaThema.

• How did you first get involved with Siyabonga Africa?

I was introduced to the organisation in 2013 by Adel Nel, who works as a registered counsellor at Siyabonga Africa.

• For how long have you worked for the organisation? Have you always been in this line of work?

For four years and seven months.

I started as a manager of their accommodation programme.

• Describe one of your typical workdays?

I go out and meet young people who live on the streets.

I listen to their stories about substance abuse and their desires to go to rehab and to even be reunited with their families.

• What do you hope to accomplish as a social auxiliary worker?

Personally, I would like to see more people off the streets, free from poverty and on their feet.

• What do you find most challenging about this line of work?

Working with people who are not willing to take responsibility for their lives and blame others for their issues.

• How do you balance your work and personal life?

By making sure that whatever happens at work stays at work.

• Where do you think the field of social work is heading in the next five years?

Compared to 10 years ago, there are more social workers now, so I think the field will have more advancement and growth.

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

To not judge anyone before knowing the whole truth.

• Who is your role model and why?

Violet Madosi, a social worker friend/mentor.

She never sees bad things in people and she always says everyone has some goodness in them.

• Is there any advice you would give to a person starting out in your chosen career?

My advice would be that this type of work needs passionate individuals, with lots of love for people regardless of their current situations.

• How would you describe yourself?

I am a loving, kind and straightforward person.

• If you had the power to solve one and only one problem in the world, what would it be and why?

It would have to be drug addiction.

It’s killing our youth and the nation as a whole

• Do you have any hobbies or special interests?

Singing and reading the Bible

• What is your favourite thing about Brakpan?

We have a lot of schools, including special schools, which shows that education is a high priority among community members of Brakpan.

Also read:

Help them find a path out of poverty

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