In the spotlight

Getting to know Tarryn Naidoo.

Brakpan resident Tarryn Naidoo (14), a grade nine pupil at Jacobs Well School, in Benoni, recently landed a role in the upcoming movie Broken Promises 4-Ever. Her parents are Cliffy and Shireen and they have been supporting her on this journey since the day of the audition. Filming will start in September and the movie is set to release next year.

• Why did you decide to take the opportunity to audition for Broken Promises 4-Ever?

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It would have been really stupid of me to just let it slide past.

• How did you feel on the day of the audition?

I was filled with mixed emotions. I was a nervous wreck yet extremely confident at the same time.

• When did you hear you got the role and how did you feel?

They told me after I auditioned. I was amazed by what they told me.

• On which radio station did you feature? Tell the readers more about this experience.

The station is Megazone Bollywood. I was asked to be on two shows as I was the first to arrive for the auditions. They asked me questions like who my inspiration is and how I was feeling at the moment. I was on an inspirational show at 6am and a breakfast show from 8am to 10am. I was asked general questions and participated in a game called Rapid Fire Answer.

• Who would play you in a film about your life? Why?

Priyanka Chopra. I’m a really big fan and I like how she’s always so fearless in her decisions. She broke the stereotype that models can’t act and it is her stunning personality that won her the title of Miss World in 2000. There’s so much more than meets the eye. She has earned so much respect in the film industry and is such an inspiration to me.

• Describe yourself in three words.

Optimistic, writer, bookworm.

• What would you like to be when you grow up?

I want to be a plastic surgeon or a ghost writer. I would definitely want to go and study.

• What is your secret to healthy long hair?

Dabur Amla hair oil mixed with my mom’s tender love and care, with a pinch of nurturing and a tablespoon of effort. Sorry readers, you can’t get this hair that easily.

• What are your hobbies?

I love reading and writing. Books are my passion, which led me to write my own book on an online app called Wattpad.

• What’s your favourite thing about Brakpan?

Carnival City is definitely my favourite thing about Brakpan. It’s a place I grew up always admiring. I remember being a little girl and begging for my parents to take me. In fact, I still do (wink-wink). It’s a place that will never grow old for me.

• How would your friends describe you?

They think I’m smart, brave, funny and confident. But, like every teenager, I have some friends who don’t like me and don’t always treat me right.

• Anything you would like to add?

Opportunities don’t come easily. When something comes your way, grab it, conquer it. Don’t let anything get in your way and stop you from achieving something.

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