In the Spotlight

Getting to know Helen Odysseos.

Helen Odysseos (70), the co-owner of Pattrick and Paterson Real Estate Agency, celebrated 50 years of service at the company, last week. The Kenleaf resident has been married to husband Avis Odysseos (77) for 46 years. They have two children, Emily (45) and Michael (41), and two grandchildren, Eleni (22) and George (19).

• You have worked at Pattrick and Paterson for 50 years. Do you remember your first day? What was it like?

Yes I do, I was very nervous.

• What was your job title when you first started? What did the job entail?

I was a cashier for the Permanent Building Society.

• It is rare for someone to remain employed at the same company for so many years. Why have you stayed?

I don’t like change.

• If you could start all over again, would you choose the same career path or do something different? Elaborate.

No, I wouldn’t do anything different.

Although our work is very stressful, I love what I do.

• Do you have plans to retire anytime soon?

I can’t say, it depends on how I feel.

• What do you like most about your job?

I enjoy working with people.

• Do you have any hobbies or special interests?

I love cooking and baking, and I like to knit and crochet.

• If you could only keep one possession, what would it be?

All my photos, they are very sentimental to me.

• If you had the power to solve one and only one problem in the world, what would it be and why?

Peace and harmony for all.

• What is your favourite thing about Brakpan?

It is a small town and everyone knows you.

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