
In the spotlight

Getting to know Capt Pearl van Staad.

Capt Pearl van Staad (42) will take over the reins as spokesperson for the Brakpan Police Station, when Capt Joep Joubert retires at the end of the year.

The captain has been in the police service for 21 years and was previously stationed at the Etwatwa Police Station, where she was the spokesperson.

She has also previously worked at the Benoni and Witbank police stations.

Pearl lives in Brakpan North and has two children, Phila (15) and Jesse (5).

• Are you looking forward to working in Brakpan? Why?
Yes, I have lived in Brakpan since 2001 and I know the area very well.

• What do you like most about your job?
Engaging with everyone.

• What don’t you like about your job?
Lazy people.

• What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Walking and jogging.

• Name three people you would host at an exclusive dinner party? Why?
My mom Frieda van Staad, singer Judith Sephuma and former talk show host Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu.
They are all inspirational women.

• Who would play you in the film of your life? Why?
Uzalo actress Dawn King.
I think her portrayal would be exact and on point.

• What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
That hard work and passion pay off.

• Where is your dream holiday destination? Why?
Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
They have a huge jazz music scene and I’m a jazz fanatic.

• If you weren’t a police officer, what would you be?
A teacher.

Also read: Awards and recognition for Brakpan SAPS members

Brakpan joins Ekurhuleni SAPS Cluster

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