
In the spotlight

Getting to know Johann Stoltz.

Brakpan resident Johann Stoltz was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 30, in 2009.

Johann (37) now aims to make people more aware of the degenerative neurological disease.

• What was your first reaction to your diagnosis?

Initially, I was shocked and emotional as I realised the severity of the sickness/disorder.

There is a common misconception that only the elderly are affected and I was afraid, because there is no known cure and because it is a degenerative disease.

The only thing that I could do was pray and ask God to help and He has stayed true to His Word and is walking an amazing path with me that I would not trade for anything in the world.

• How do you deal with the condition on a daily basis?

I find it is important to focus on the fact that I have Parkinson’s, it doesn’t have me.

So, even though I am not a planner, I try to organise all my activities for the day during the morning, as this is my best time, or as people with Pd (Parkinson’s disease) always say, “this is my on time”.

It’s usually the time that I do as much as I can to raise awareness and, well, everything else.

• How do you remain positive?

I realised that everyone in all of creation has something they have to face or deal with.

With this in mind on a daily basis, I realise that I’m not alone.

So, whenever I start feeling down, I am reminded of the fact that there are thousands of people out there who are fighting the same fight and, if I can reach just one person a day and make them feel special, then I am happy.

I see my disease as a tool through which others can be helped, even though it is sometimes extremely difficult to do even the most basic things.

• Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

In 20 years, even if a cure has not been found, I will still be fighting alongside my brothers and sisters to bring hope to the hopeless and create awareness.

I might be medically boarded, but I will never give up.

• What hobbies or fun activities do you enjoy?

I have lots, cycling, going to gym and writing Afrikaans poetry.

I also love music and love console gaming, because it helps with Pd.

• What is your favourite movie and why?

My favourite would have to be Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, because it shows how a young man from a poor background, with all odds against him, persevered and, with a never-say-die attitude, became a modern day legend.

• If you could be any movie character for a day, who would it be and why?

I would have to say the superhero Daredevil.

His blindness does not stop him from bringing the criminally-minded to justice.

His blindness is his strength.

• What is the worst meal you’ve ever had?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pizza.

The name says it all!

• What is your favourite food?

Definitely Italian and seafood.

Also read: Be a blessing to others

Supporting men’s health

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