Zema’s Zodiac

A weekly horoscope.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)
Things are looking up, Libra! At last you’re getting the idea that life is not all work and no play. About time, too. You could be meeting someone very interesting very shortly, so be prepared for it! You could end up having a lot of fun; don’t you think its about time? Money matters are moving along, albeit at a snail’s pace, but you won’t be sorry in the end if you keep your patience.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)
You’ve come down a long and winding path, but there IS light in the distance! If you are trying to make money out of something saleable, it looks fairly positive. Just keep at it and don’t lose hope. The Universe is rooting for you for a change! Love life could be a bit difficult at the moment, but hang in there, so many changes are coming, they will take your breath away! Wait it out!

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
You could be on the edge of the Great Romance … It depends on how you handle it. You are usually good with people, in fact one could ALMOST say “popular”, but let’s not get carried away. Get a Plan! Get someone who can help you with this to make sure that all goes smoothly. Then execute it with flair! Take him/her by surprise by acting smooth – oil the wheels as you go!

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
Waiting! Waiting! Waiting! Something SO good in your job, but it just doesn’t want to get there. This is where you cultivate PATIENCE. You understand this? Don’t lose the famous Cap temper and risk losing everything. There is a high regard for your work skills, now work on the personal issues as well, and you can’t go wrong. Your partner is one hundred percent on your side.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
The Great Love of your Life is doing his/her best to keep you happy right now, but keeps getting tripped up by your tetchiness. Time to take a look at what is making you so irritable. Could it be that that great Plan of yours has not worked? Take another look at it – you’ll find there are a few things you may have missed. You can always get back on track, Aqua! You have the skills.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Don’t allow anything to get on top of you right now. You have some health issues that need to be addressed, but they can be dealt with at a speed so that you can get on with what really matters – shining like the Fantastic Fish that you are. You are more valued in your job than you will ever know, just keep proving everyone right. A new idea strikes you – follow it up asap!

Aries (21 March – 19 April)
You have your finger in so many pies at the moment, its time you got more organized. Everything has earning potential, and nobody can spot a valuable opportunity quite like Aries. However, you really do need a bit more organization so that you can fit more (??) tasks into a shorter space of time. Perhaps a bit of help from a friend? Sure you can work out compensation…

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
If you’re looking at moving, now could be a good time. You just need to find the right place and you could end up staying there a long, long time. You need to look at all aspects, proximity to work, etc. The family may not be that keen to move, but here you have to use your powers of persuasion to the fullest. A new work idea strikes you – act fast and end up looking like the hero you are!

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
You are applying yourself with gusto! Everyone is impressed with your work, and you won’t be sorry either when the new pay-cheque arrives… You seem to have pulled yourself up after several disappointments, and you will not look back! Pay attention to family matters however, as these don’t conveniently disappear when you’re not looking. Children play a huge role now.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)  
Time to make a plan for a family outing. This is something that has not been done for a very long time. You would be amazed at how this can generate energy and new plans. You would be surprised to know that family members are on your side in just about everything. Don’t fight their support, take it in the spirit it is intended. In other words, Don’t Roll Your Eyes, Cancer!

Leo (23 July – 23 August)
You and your partner have got to get on the same wavelength when it comes to plans for the future. You seem to be fighting each other non-stop, when a bit of negotiation and temper-keeping could go a long way towards coming to agreements. If you need a third person involved, make sure it is somebody you can trust. Money problems could also be addressed, minus the boxing gloves.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)
You have this gift that you keep ignoring. Time for some serious thinking. Everyone and the Universe have been waiting for you to do something with this. You could help so many people, you’re the best at it! That artistic flair of yours could also be put to good use, AND in the service of others, satisfying the unsatisfyable Virgo for once. Give it a shot! Nothing to lose, Virgo.

Contact Zema on 083 430 1456.

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