
Zema’s Zodiac

A weekly horoscope:

Virgo under the spotlight:

Element: Earth
Ruler: Mercury
Symbol: the Virgin
Motto: I serve
Stones: amethyst, carnelian, pyrite
Colours: silver, indigo, dark violet
Body areas: abdomen, intestines, pancreas
Herbs: wintergreen, sage
Attractions: Gemini, Pisces, Taurus
Notables: Mother Teresa, Agatha Christie, Queen Elizabeth 1, Sean Connery, Mary Shelley
Qualities: perfectionism, literalism, analysing, solving, assessing, service to others, sense of humour.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)
Confusion reigns at the moment with you, Virgo. (When does it NOT?). You’re feeling hard-done-by because someone won’t take your “perfect” advice. Perhaps it’s time to realize that others have minds of their own.  (WOW! What an IDEA!). Also, maybe, you can get it into your head that your partner needs unconditional love, minus the whips, chains, questions, details, IQ tests …

Libra (23 September – 22 October)
“I have an open mind.” Really? Well, it should be closed for repairs. You think you’re coping so well with disappointment. Oops! Wrongo! More like you’re  in denial. Face up to how you really feel and leave no stone unturned, just don’t throw any at anybody. Take time to feel as bad as you want to, THEN pick yourself up again. Don’t allow anything to come back to haunt you laaater…

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)
“Success hasn’t gone to my head.” No, just to your MOUTH! Shut the old trap for a change and look at life from a different point of view. Look at how you have neglected your spiritual side lately and do something about it. Just do it quietly, we’re a bit tired of the sound of your voice. If someone brags to you about their money, be suitably impressed, but take it with a pinch of salt.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
“I’ve changed my mind.” (Well, it can’t be any worse than your old one).  You seem to be shifting up and down with decisions about your future in general. This does not auger well for various relationships, (family, friends, SPOUSE). Get with it at a speed and stop giving everyone such a hard time, blowing hot and cold. Most of all yourself, because you’re acting like an idiot. (Again).

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
“I’m not myself today”. YES! We’ve ALL noticed the improvement! Especially that poor, beleagured partner of yours. Give him/her a break for a bit, and notice how he/she comes round to your way of thinking. THEN you can use sharp objects on him/her if you still want to. You’ve got other things to do besides stabbing, so how about you make a list and work your way through it – steadily.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
“I’m nobody’s fool”. Well, maybe someone will adopt you … You like things cut and dried (must have something to do with that famous air thing of yours), but in this case, you have to deal with Spiritual Things (look up the words in the dictionary). Tackle them now and make some sense of the feeling you have sometimes that you don’t know where you’re going. Sometimes??

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Sure we’re listening, Pisces – can’t you see us yawning? You need to get back into the swim, so to speak. At this rate, looks like you’re paddling backwards. Wake up! There are interesting things to do and see, if you would just apply yourself to some entertainment, including your partner or not. This could also bring about some good ideas concerning your job. Essential right now.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)
Confuse people, Aries – start making sense! It doesn’t matter how mixed up you are about your job right now, you need to buckle down and get on with it if you want to reach that famous Target. Once the target is reached of course, you can fall down and roll around screaming, like you usually do anyway at the best of times. But for the moment, confuse everybody by acting, ACTING normal!

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
Don’t you hate it when life doesn’t follow the manuals, T? You want to make changes in your life, work, love, home, but somehow, you keep getting stuck. This could have something to do with the fact that Taurus has no idea of the chaos of unpredictability. Make CONTINGENCY (look it up) plans, and then go carefully, but not too slowly or we’ll all yawn ourselves to death … Get something done. Now would be good.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
Hey, Gem! Being good at being stupid doesn’t COUNT!! You’ve got everything laid out for you, and yet, you keep taking invisible paths in your career that do not bring you the fame and fortune you deserve (or you THINK you deserve). Stop getting confused by Gemini reality and the real thing. This is where you can truly shine in your job if you keep all four feet on the ground.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)
A foot is a device for finding furniture in the dark, which is exactly what you are doing now. Time to SEE the light, C! You have this fab talent for dealing with people, so put it to use in the next while if you really want to make progress. It will not only enhance your life in general, but do wonders for your job, especially if said job entails mostly the Human Race. So get up and win it.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)
LURVE! ROMANCE! HIP HIP HOORAY!! Let’s just hope you recognize it before it clobbers you to the ground. Go Leo, go! You can’t go wrong here if you use the bit of brain you possess – you just need to concentrate on sweeping the person off of his/her feet with a vengeance. Flowers, cards, kisses, cuddles, whispered whatevers , do whatever it takes, you might only get one chance …

Contact Zema on 083 430 1456.

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