Teen robbed at knifepoint while walking home

The 17-year-old was attacked by two men and robbed of his phone and money.

Stian Celliers (17), a learner at Sonneveld Akademie, faced a terrifying situation on September 27 while walking home from a local gym after a workout.

The teen took a different route home, using Hyland Street, but usually walks on Voortrekker Road. Ironically, he chose the different route for safety because he was advised to change his usual one to avoid being a target.

Halfway home, at about 15:30, the boy passed two men. One grabbed at his bag, but Stian grabbed him in response. He quickly stood down when the other man drew a knife and said, “Do something like that again, and I will stab you”.

Stian co-operated for his safety, gave them his phone, and allowed them to rummage through his bag. They also took cash out of his wallet before fleeing.

Stian knocked on the nearest door he could reach for help, but no one answered.

“Maybe they were not home, or maybe they were also afraid of being robbed if they opened the door for an unexpected knock,” said Stian’s mother, Mercia Jordaan (37).

Stian told the Brakpan Herald he was not affected much by the incident and was only disappointed to lose his phone a few months after getting it.

His mother was more concerned. “Criminals take our children’s freedom. They are no longer safe to go where they want,” she said.

When Stian got home, he asked for his grandmother’s phone to call his mom and let her know what happened.

Mercia wishes there was more police visibility in town since she believes it would deter criminals from brazenly attacking children in broad daylight.

Stian does not recall seeing any witnesses to the event, and his mother asked on a Facebook group whether anyone on the street had video footage of the incident, with no luck.

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