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Brakpan man accused of raping 13-year-old expected in court for trial

The case has been ongoing for three years.

The Brakpan man accused of raping his ex-girlfriend’s 13-year-old daughter in 2020 will reappear before the Brakpan Magistrate’s Court tomorrow (Thursday) for what is expected to be a plea and trial.

According to Women and Men Against Child Abuse (WMACA), the court case was supposed to be in January. It could not proceed due to the various errors and unpreparedness of the court.

No interrogation rooms were available on the day, the victim’s file had the incorrect J88 document and load-shedding threatened to delay proceedings.

WMACA stated the case has been ongoing for three years. The family has been met with postponements and poor communication, as a result, they have little confidence in the justice system.

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WMACA expects the case to resume tomorrow and call on a speedy trial to end the secondary trauma the victim and her family endured since 2020.

Providing a case background, WMACA said the mother explained she woke up early in the morning and went to check her daughter’s bedroom.

She then found her boyfriend undressed and on top of the 13-year-old. In disbelief, she confronted her partner, who denied any wrongdoing.

The mom reached out to family members, who then contacted the police. The man was arrested and kept in custody for several days. He was then released and remains out on bail.

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