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If you have an event planned, you can submit it for inclusion in the Happenings column.

• 28 Junie
Die NG Kerk, Dalview se vrouediens het ‘n vetkoek en kerrie maalvleis fondsinsameling. Bestellings vir gewone of gevulde vetkoeke kan per WhatsApp geplaas word by 082 879 4446 oor 12:00 Woensdag, (26 Junie).

• June 29
Vendors selling hand-crafted goods, toys, clothing, plants and second-hand goods are invited to book a stall or space for a Farmers Market Day at Cosy Corner, situated along Zeeman Street, Brenthurst. The day is organised by JCI Ministries. For more information, contact Natasza Hattingh on 076 297 3737.

• June 29
Join Beschtech, situated at 12 Prince George Avenue for a fun-filled day. There will be stalls, boerewors rolls and other activities from 09:00 to 14:00.

• 30 Junie
Die Just Wheels Motorklub se opedag vind by die klubhuis te Kitzingerlaan 169 plaas. Die tema is Britse voertuie. Daar sal ook ‘n vlooimark wees, ponieritte vir die kinders, en musiek. Die SANBD sal ook teenwoordig wees vir persone wat bloed wil skenk. Die toegang is gratis. Vir meer inligting skakel 082 263 7567.

• 13 Julie
‘n Boeremark word by die Garden & Pet Centre, te Rand Colleriesstraat 148 aangebied. Heerlike eetgoed sal beskikbaar wees asook uitstallings en vermaak.

• Die Golden Oldies Klub vergader elke Donderdag in die saal van die Adullam Biker Ecclesia wat te Gardinerstraat 134 geleë is. Die klub is vir pensionarisse, en bied verskillende aktiwiteite aan. Lede se bloeddruk word ook weekliks gemeet. Vir meer inligting skakel vir Ursula Ewards by 082 491 6217.

• Die NG Kerk Brakpan-Oos, op die hoek van Bourdaryweg en Lappingstraat hou elke Vrydagaand vanaf 18:30 ‘n buitelug “Praise and Worship”. Belangstellendes kan komberse of tuinstoele saam neem om op te sit. Kontak vir Anton Pretorius by 084 499 5462 vir meer inligting.

• Brakpan parkrun is open every Saturday at 07:50 at the Brakpan Sports Centre (across from the library). Runners, walkers and volunteers are welcome. It is free, just bring your running tag/barcode. You run, walk or jog at your own pace.

• Die Brakpan-tak van die Vroue Landbou Unie vergader elke tweede Dinsdag van die maand om 10:00 by die Just Wheels Motorklub se klubhuis, Kitzingerlaan 169. Belangstellendes kan Elsabe Grobler by 082 891 4514 kontak.

• A second-hand clothing sale will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 08:00 to 11:30 at the NG Kerk Brakpan-Oos, corner of Boundary Road and High Street. Good-quality clothing at discount prices. Call Hester Bosch at 083 307 0649.

If you have an event planned, you can submit it for inclusion in the Happenings column. These include community projects, fêtes, school events, church fundraisers and more.

The events included in this section are done at the editor’s discretion. The deadline for submission of entertainment events is 11:00 on Monday. Email details to thelma@caxton.co.za

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