NPO pleads for donations

The NPO has a list of items it needs most desperately.

The Daily Bread NPO appeals for donations to help them feed Sassa pensioners, especially those living in the Tweedy Park Old Age Home.

The NPO needs bread, maize meal, pasta, rice, cooking oil, margarine, long-life milk, coffee and sugar.

It is easier to divide these items among the recipients more equitably than meat, fresh fruit and vegetables.

The NPO prefers cash donations for perishable items, which they use to make bulk purchases and divide into single portions for the senior citizens.

Canned food, eggs, jam and peanut butter would also be welcome.

Donations of soap, washcloths, roll-on deodorant, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes and dishwashing liquid would also be appreciated.

Interested parties can call Adéle van Zyl on 083 456 3123.

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