Residents play road repair waiting game

It has been over a month since the water leak was repaired, but the road has been left in a state.

Residents of Ysterhout Street in Dalpark are growing increasingly fed-up with the City of Ekurhuleni’s lack of action in repairing the road after a water leak.

According to resident Liesl Pretorius, the water department attended to a water leak on May 28.

“They opened up the tar surface with a TLB to get to the damaged water pipe. Luckily the water pipe was fixed,” she said.

“Since then, after various complaints on the Ekurhuleni App, the roads department has not come out to fix the road where the TLB opened it up.

“It has now been six weeks that the road, with red banner tape, has been left to deteriorate.

“It has come now with great urgency to fix the road as it is extremely difficult to get in and out of the driveway, and residents also battle to drive past as a pothole is starting to develop.”

Pretorius added that the two reference numbers received from the municipality after reporting the matter have since been closed.

“The road has still not been fixed. No one has come to help,” she said.

Comment is awaited from the municipality.

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