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LETTER: Frustrated by poor service delivery

"If it is not the rubbish trucks that don’t come, there is no water, no parks being cut and then load-shedding on top of it all."

Amanda Goosen writes by email:

With regards to the pathetic service in getting water restored after “maintenance” was done last Thursday.

Notice was issued that the water will be restored at 16:00 on Thursday – looks like they did not say which Thursday.

It is ridiculous. We were then informed via the WhatsApp groups that they took longer than expected but water will be restored by 22:00.

Needless to say, we got water on Saturday around 19:00. This lasted until Sunday around 10:00, when another problem arose and we were without water again until Monday around 19:00.

On Tuesday at 09:00 the water was off again. The service from Ekurhuleni is absolutely non-existent.

Why don’t they make sure the pipeline is fixed properly? But it is just like everything else, if it is not the rubbish trucks that don’t come, there is no water, no parks being cut and then load-shedding on top of it all.

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Water tankers are sent out but residents have to drive around searching for it. What about people who work all day and are not at home during the day? Then when you get home you need to drive around looking for the water truck.

Not once since Thursday was I able to locate it to actually get some water. But they are very quick to disconnect services when you pay late.

I suppose this is South Africa and we need to become self-sufficient, not only with electricity but now also with water. Wonder what is next?

This is definitely something that needs to be addressed. Us, as members of the public, can complain until we are blue in the face.

Maybe we should also start a protest, maybe then we will be heard and the services we pay for will be delivered.

The service is non-existent and for what are we paying tax? To sit without water and electricity so that MPs can have a wonderful life while crippling South Africa.

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