Felicitas School gives thanks to the community

The school's annual fête was a roaring success.

Jolene Rheeder, media admin from Felicitas School, writes:

On behalf of Mrs D Visser (principal) and the staff of Felicitas School, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for their support at our annual fête which was held on March 5.

Thank you for all the donations of pre-loved items, as well as the sponsorship of items, which we were able to sell at our food stalls.

Thank you to companies and members of the public who opened their hearts by making monetary donations.

We had a good turnout and it was amazing to see how the community came together, to enjoy a fun-filled family day, with delicious things to eat and drink, not to mention the fun activities for all ages, even the grown-ups.

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It was a fantastic day for our learners and their families, as well as members of the public.

A special and sincere thank you to all my staff members, the SGB members, and our learners for all the behind-the-scenes work, ensuring that our 2023 fête was yet again a huge success.

Without the support and love of the community, our fête would not have been a success, a special thank you to each and every one of you for being a special part of it.

Looking forward to our 2024 fête!

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