Lazarus Legacy Foundation continues to help others in tough times

NPO appeals to residents, organisations and companies to assist with sponsorship and donations toward its projects.

The non-profit sector experienced unprecedented change in the last two years. In an instant, fundraisers and events had to pivot to virtual experiences where possible or get cancelled altogether.

At the same time, the demand for non-profit community services soared amid an economic downturn, unemployment and a health crisis.

Although faced with many challenges, The Lazarus Legacy Foundation (LLF) made a definite difference only possible through the support of its sponsors.

The Brakpan NPO engages government, private corporations and civil society to deliver workable and effective solutions in the areas of:

• Education: enabling success in education through tutoring, support and guidance;

• Community building: implementing moral regeneration initiatives that address the ills and failings of societal living;

• Health and welfare: delivering health and welfare initiatives to the disenfranchised;

• Economic development: encouraging entrepreneurial fervour and empowering entrepreneurial activity.

Through contributions from sponsors, the LLF did the following last year:
• Distributed 100 school shoes and 200 stationery packs to school-going children.

• Supplied about 2 500 sanitary pad packs to girls to ensure they go to school during their cycle.

• The Tuition Centre helped more than 45 students achieve better results, including 12 matriculants who all passed. Some 85% of matriculants attained a Bachelor’s degree pass, while 15% obtained a diploma pass.

• Provided 140 000 sanitisers and hand washes to schools, police stations, clinics, churches, informal settlements and other NPOs and will distribute the balance in the first half of this year.

• Hosted a successful charity golf day.

• Distributed 2 000 grocery hampers.

• Gave baby bottles and cups to 38 orphanages, childcare facilities and 25 schools.

• Collected and distributed clothing and nappies.

• Provided financial aid to seven families.

• Established a food bank so that there is always food for anyone who needs it.

• Sponsored bursaries of R120 000 for students.

LLF has big plans for the year and aims to achieve the following:
• Coding and robotics club: To be launched in the first quarter of the year with groups of 20 learners from various age groups.

Children will learn creativity through play using digital technologies, but they can also be the creators of their own learning.

Coding encourages collaboration because a child learns to work in groups to solve problems and share what they learnt with one another.

• Computer classes: Basic computer skills to be offered to the public.

These skills will include but are not limited to MS Office, Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, emails, Google and much more. This will encourage people to upskill themselves.

• Tuition Centre: LLF has had great success with helping students uncover their potential and push themselves to work hard to achieve great results.

• Soup kitchen: The aim is to feed three poverty-stricken areas and four schools with children who do not bring lunch to school at least two to three times a week.

The menu and number of people fed will depend on the number of donations and sponsors, but at least five times a week is the goal.

• Stationery packs: LLF distributes 220 stationery packs to school-going children in need. It is an annual project.

• Grocery hampers: Five-hundred grocery hampers are distributed at the end of each quarter, and an additional 1 000 hampers for Christmas.

LLF hopes for consistent funding to continue this cycle this year.

• Bursaries – Every year, selected students from surrounding schools who do well academically but are financially challenged and supported with school fees, university registration fees or whatever their need is.

This year the aim is for at least six students to be supported by them financially.

• Youth symposium: LLF and sponsors will host a Youth Day event on June 16 for those aged 13 to 18. The programme will comprise talks on substance abuse, gender-based violence and career guidance.

• Cancer awareness: In October, LLF will host a fundraiser seminar to support cancer awareness. All proceeds will go to cancer treatment organisations.

To help LLF continue to make a difference in communities, call 011 915 5620 or 065 721 2017, email, visit or find them on Facebook: lazaruslf

LLF is on 2 Louw Road in Dalpark Ext Nine.

Their banking details:
Absa account name: Lazarus Legacy Foundation, Account number: 4090346498,
Branch code for the internet: 63 20 05
Branch: Commercial East Rand Growth.

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