Tell us what’s happening in the world of real estate in Brakpan

As experts in your field, send us articles our readers will find helpful and insightful.

The Herald welcomes news from local real estate agencies and agents.

Are there new faces at your agency? Who has been promoted? Has your estate agency or agents been recognised with a prestigious award?

What challenges are estate agents facing in Covid-19 and lockdown?

What trends are you seeing in the Brakpan property market?

With so much going on in the world and South Africa at the moment, one thing remains constant and that is that people move houses, are looking for places to rent, and are busy planning or building their dream home.

All of these are made easier with the expertise of a professional and trained estate agent who has knowledge of their area, a good feel for the market, and knows all the legal ins and outs related to property transactions.

You are the ones with the property “news you can use” our readers would find interesting.

Local estate agents who regularly advertise with the Herald are welcome to send a news/information article on any topic related to property to us for consideration.

Email with “Estate Agent News” in the subject line. We look forward to sharing your news with our readers in print and online.

How to avoid buyer’s regret

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