Where to report lockdown offenders

Gauteng residents may report non-compliance with the regulations.

Residents can report those who do not adhere to the lockdown rules.

Gauteng residents may report non-compliance with the regulations to the SAPS to the following numbers in their respective districts:

Provincial office: Brig Spiers 082 410 9850

Ekurhuleni: Brig Mphuthi 079 942 3767 or Col Subramanian 082 455 5061

Johannesburg: Brig Nengovhela 082 778 0904

Sedibeng: Col Mabala 082 820 5833

Tshwane: Brig Selemela 082 7798732

West Rand: Brig Selepe 060 997 5094 or Capt De Bruyn 082 854 6718

Have a story?

Contact the newsroom by emailing: Thelma Koorts  (editor) brakpanherald@caxton.co.za

or Stacy Slatter (news editor) stacys@caxton.co.za

 or Miné Fourie (journalist) minev@caxton.co.za

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