Advantages of the golden years

The golden age is a time when pensioners can harvest the fruits of their labour and enjoy many advantages most people seem to forget.

Life is enjoyed more

Life is much funnier when you’re older, especially because you’ve learned there’s no shame in laughing at yourself. Since laughter is good for you, why not laugh as much as possible?
In addition, you’ve driven down many of life’s bumpy roads, so you already know what should concern you and what can be solved with a smile and acceptance. Life is full of experiences you’ve accumulated, and full of experiences you’ve yet to have.

You’ve learned to accept your faults
Chasing perfection is the province of younger people, who still haven’t come to the realisation that constantly chasing perfection only leads to bitterness and disappointment.
Most of the time you may even enjoy the little faults in your life and in the people close to you, who supply you with endless little moments of pleasure and laughter.

You’ve got your priorities straight
After many years of being run ragged by life, you finally have the time and ability to do things in your own pace. You’ve raised your children, fed and clothed them. Now is the time to develop that artistic ability you always knew you had. So learn a new language, go out in nature or read all the books you never had time for.

Also read: Pensioners put their knitting needles to good use

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