
Daily crime watch

The following crimes were reported to Brakpan police over the past 24 hours (August 14 to 15):

Cases reported:

• Theft of motor vehicle: 1
• Possession of drugs: 2
• Shoplifting: 1
• Business burglary: 1
• Culpable homicide: 1
• Traffic offences: 3
• Common assault: 2
• Theft: 1


• Possession of drugs: 1
• Speeding: 3
• Theft: 2
• Shoplifting: 1

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• Queen Avenue (business).

The break-in took place on Sunday.

Stolen: Taps, basins and plumbing pipes.

Theft of motor vehicle:

• On Monday, a maroon Honda Twister motorbike was stolen from an address along Gardiner Avenue.

Information supplied by the Brakpan SAPS. All details are correct at the time of publishing.

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