Daily crime watch

The following crimes were reported to Brakpan police over the past 24 hours (July 3 to 4):

Cases reported:

• Burglary: 2
• Theft from motor vehicle: 1
• Business robbery: 1
• Use of motor vehicle without owner’s consent: 1
• Theft: 2
• Loss of firearm: 1
• Robbery with weapon other than a firearm: 1
• Housebreaking with intent to commit an offence: 1
• Malicious damage to property: 2
• Receiving stolen goods: 1
• Intimidation: 1
• Fraud: 1
• House robbery: 1
• Possession of stolen goods: 1
• Robbery with firearm: 1
• Crimen injuria: 1
• Attempted murder: 1


• Possession of stolen goods: 1
• Shoplifting: 1

Attempted murder:

• The female driver of a blue Toyota Conquest was shot at while travelling along Etosha Road in Dalpark last night (Tuesday).

The victim told police she was overtaken by a dark green Volkswagen Golf at around 8pm.

The Golf then pulled over on the side of the road and the occupant/s fired one shot at the victim’s car.

The victim escaped injury, but the bullet struck the front passenger window, breaking it.

Read:  Man injured in drive-by shooting

House robbery:

• A 62-year-old Dalview woman was tied up and shut in a cupboard during a robbery at her Venter Street home yesterday afternoon.

The victim was home alone when, at around 2pm, she heard the back door opening.

Thinking it was her husband returning home, she called out, but received no response.

She was then confronted by two men armed with guns.

One of the men immediately went to the TV and unplugged it, while the other male held down the victim and told her not to move.

They took the victim to her bedroom, where they bound her hands with clothing and pushed her into a cupboard.

Demanding money, the robbers started searching the room.

They then covered the victim’s face and closed the cupboard door.

When she could no longer hear the men in the house, the victim exited the cupboard and untied herself.

She searched the house and discovered the robbers had fled with the TV, a cellphone and jewellery.

 Read: Huisrowers rand jong mense aan, slaan hondjie dood

Business robbery:

• A shop in Olympia Road, Brenthurst, was robbed by three men yesterday morning.

The trio entered the shop at about 6.20am and threatened a staff member at gunpoint.

They locked the victim in an office and fled with a large sum of cash.

Armed robbery:

• A motorist changing a flat tyre was robbed by two men on Monday night.

The incident took place at the corner of Prince George Avenue and Voortrekker Street at around 10.30pm.

As he was changing the tyre, two men travelling in a white Volkswagen Citi Golf stopped alongside the victim and offered to help.

They pointed a gun at him and forced him to open his car.

The men helped themselves to the victim’s laptop, cellphone, cash and other valuables.

• A pedestrian was robbed at the corner of Hamilton Avenue and Park Street on Saturday night.

The victim was attacked by a man armed with a knife at around 7.30pm and sustained an injury to his neck.

The thief ran off with the victim’s cash and personal documents.


• Lakeside Road, Dalpark.

The home was broken into yesterday.

Stolen: A TV, radio, two laptops and kitchen appliances.

• Cavendish Street.

The break-in took place on Monday.

Stolen: A TV, cash and two passports.

Theft from motor vehicle:

• A car parked along Lester Road in Brenthurst was stripped of its wheels on Monday.

A DVD player was also stolen from the vehicle.

Information supplied by the Brakpan SAPS. All details are correct at the time of publishing.

Also read: Lights out for blue light hijackers

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