
Daily crime watch

The following crimes were reported to Brakpan police over the past 24 hours (May 15 to 16):

Cases reported:

• House robbery: 1
• Theft from motor vehicle: 4
• Fraud: 2
• Residential burglary: 1
• Possession of drugs: 1
• Theft out of motor vehicle: 1
• Inquest: 1
• Common robbery: 1
• Theft of motor vehicle: 1 (Boksburg case)
• Common assault: 1


• Culpable homicide: 1
• Attempted murder: 1
• Possession of stolen property: 1
• Possession of drugs: 1

House robbery:

• Four men fled with various household items after robbing a home in Kitzinger Avenue yesterday (Tuesday).

The robbers broke into the house at around 2am and threatened the occupants with guns.

They took a TV, DVD player, cellphones and other valuables.

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Common robbery:

• A man was robbed of his firearm in the Plastic City informal settlement on Friday.

The victim was attacked by three men while walking home at around 11pm.

After assaulting the victim with a stick, the men searched him and took the weapon.

The victim ran away after fighting off his attackers.


• Bloomberg Street, Minnebron.

The burglary was discovered yesterday (the home has been unoccupied since May 7).

Stolen: An overhead projector, a pair of shoes, a surround sound system and a kettle.

Theft out of/from motor vehicle:

• Four separate incidents of car theft were reported in Kenleaf.

Vehicles parked at addresses along Bentley Place and Lotus Avenue were targeted.

One car was broken into on Sunday, while the other break-ins took place on Monday.

Three car radios, several CDs, a jacket and a pair of sunglasses were stolen.

• A car battery and a wallet containing a large sum of cash were stolen from a vehicle in Waterval Road, Leachville, on Monday.

A second car on the premises was broken into, but nothing was taken.

Also read: Three cars broken into in one day

Information supplied by the Brakpan SAPS. All details are correct at the time of publishing.

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