Make sure your pet stays cool, Brakpan SPCA said

Heat stress in pets is a serious condition, and pet owners need to be aware of the signs of an animal overheating.

The current heatwave has prompted the Brakpan SPCA to advise pet owners to ensure that their animals stay cool to avoid heatstroke or heat exhaustion.

Brakpan SPCA manager Ming Church offered the following tips to help your furry friends stay cool:

• Ensure they have sufficient fresh water available at all times, and that the water is in a shady area. Ice blocks can be added to keep the water cool for longer.

• Place treats or toys in a ziplock bag with water and freeze it to create a fun ice lolly that beats both the heat and the boredom.

• Ensure your pets have shaded areas in your yard to escape the sun.

Also read: Choosing a pet that’s right for you

• Place plastic kiddies pools filled with water in a shady spot in your yard so your pets can submerge themselves. Plastic sea shells also work well. Frozen water bottles can be added to keep the water cooler for longer.

• Avoid exercising your pet during the peak hours of the day; this will also prevent your pet from burning their paws on the hot tar. If it’s too hot for your bare feet, it’s too hot for them too!

• Do not leave your pet inside a vehicle for any amount of time for any reason.

• Freeze bottles of water and place them in your yard.

• Put fans on around your home to circulate the air and provide a cool breeze for your pets.

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