
Daily crime watch

The following crimes were reported to Brakpan police over the past 24 hours (August 28 to 29):

Cases reported:

• Theft: 6
• Assault GBH: 1
• Theft of motor vehicle: 1
• Drunk in public: 1
• Common assault: 3
• Shoplifting: 1
• Arson: 1
• Residential burglary: 2
• Business robbery: 1


• Theft and impersonating a police officer: 1
• Drunk in public: 1
• Shoplifting: 1
• Theft of motor vehicle: 1

Business robbery

• A company situated along Denne Road, in Witpoort Estates, was robbed by two armed men this morning (Tuesday).

The robbers, who were armed with guns, gained access to the premises at around 1am and tied up a security guard.

They fled with six laptops.


• Henderson Street, in Brakpan North.

The break-in took place yesterday (Monday).

Stolen: Two bicycles.

• Taft Avenue.

The house was broken into yesterday, but the burglar was disturbed by the home’s occupants and nothing was stolen.

Theft of motor vehicle:

• An industrial mobile generator was stolen from an address along Boyd Road, in Brenthurst, on Sunday.

Information supplied by the Brakpan SAPS. All details are correct at the time of publishing.

Also read: Brakpan SAPD lid is ‘n voorbeeld vir ander

House robbers still at work

Nog ‘n slapende gesin beroof – dié keer nie in Brenthurst nie

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