Have you checked if your car is safety compliant?

We need to work together to stop the number of accidents on our roads.

With accidents happening every day on our roads, ensuring your vehicle’s safety components are up to scratch is a no brainer.

Les McMaster, chairman of the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA), highlights what he considers to be some of the most crucial safety aspects of your car:


Worn or damaged suspension can greatly affect your ability to control the vehicle, especially when stopping or turning, so it’s in your best interest not to ignore this part of your vehicle.

You can tell your shock absorbers need changing if you begin to feel every bump in the road, if the vehicle drifts or pulls when you’re turning and if your tyre tread is wearing down unevenly.

Wheels whistling when turning through a bend are a sure sign of suspension problems.


Paying attention to the warning signs that your brakes need a service can mean the difference between life and death on the road.

If you hear a squealing or grinding sound or your car is taking longer to slow down than usual, it’s likely that your brake pads need replacing.

Be acutely aware of the spongy feeling on the brake pedal when braking as this is a sign of air in the system which hugely affects the stopping distance.

Check when last the brake fluid was replaced.

If not done the fluid may be contaminated with water which rusts the components inside the master cylinder causing brake failure.


Be aware of strange sounds emanating from the steering when turning.

Growling or buzzing noises are a sure sign of air in the system usually caused by a leak in the system.

This leak may be small but it can rapidly cause the steering system to fail and become extremely heavy.


Worn tread is an obvious indicator that tyres need to be replaced but also be wary of old tyres.

As with all products made using rubber, tyres will deteriorate with age, whether they are in use or not.

Cracks in the rubber will begin to develop over time.

They will appear on the surface and inside the tyre. This cracking can eventually cause the steel belts in the tread to separate from the rest of the tyre. Do not under any circumstances buy used tyres and check the date on all new tyres purchased.


Front and rear lights should be tested regularly to ensure they are all working.

Ask someone to take a moment to check your brake and reverse lights every once in a while.


Seatbelts are an obvious safety feature.

Make sure they are working and make sure that all passengers and drivers clip in for every trip.

When strapping in baby or kids seats use only certified baby seats and ensure that they are correctly fitted.

“The key to all safety components it to use quality parts and to check for wear and tear regularly,” said McMaster.

“It’s important to be conscious of vehicle safety at all times and to get things seen to before heading out onto the roads.

“We need to work together to stop the number of accidents on our roads and checking your vehicle is roadworthy is just the start.”

Also read: Back to school safety

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