
Firefighting not impacted by water rationing

All water tankers and foam tenders are ready to respond to fire-related incidents.

Following the implementation of water rationing across the City of Ekurhuleni, the City’s Disaster and Emergency Management Services Department (Dems) urges residents, industrial and business communities to be extra cautious in the prevention of structural fires.

“From an emergency services perspective, Dems would like to assure communities that these water rationing schedules won’t affect our primary response operations to fire-related incidents,” said Dems spokesperson William Ntladi.

“Contingency plans are in place to remedy the situation should the need arise.

“The municipal water department has been engaged and is on standby for intervention as and when required.

“The two departments are in constant consultation at all times and collectively working together to eliminate any potential challenges.”

All water tankers and foam tenders are ready to respond to fire-related incidents.

In extreme cases, suction deep lifting from the nearest open water source will be put in place to shuttle water to the required fire scene.

Structural facilities with water reservoir tankers are being identified for the water shuttling during operations.

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