Tell us what you think of #FeesMustFall

The #FeesMustFall saga has reached a pinnacle and could have dire consequences for students hoping to finish this academic year with universities being left with no alternate but to call a premature end to the year.

This was the message they mailed out:

“Continued instability will destroy our higher education system.

“If normal activities cannot continue next week, the University will be left with no option but to close and send all students home.

“The closure of the University will have dire consequences for the all University staff, and for students themselves who will not be able to complete the academic year.

“Think hard about your actions!”

We would like to hear from Springs readers how this is directly affecting you and your parents or children.

Do students have any clarity from their universities about what ending the academic year early, and not writing their end-of-year exams, will mean for them starting their next year of study in 2017?

Let us know your thoughts on the following questions if you or your children are studying at one of the country’s universities or hoping to do so in 2017:

See what this TUT student thinks about the strike and the possibility of having to write exams in January 2017 as was the case at the beginning of this year.

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WATCH: Truck driver’s rant on #FeesMustFall goes viral

Residents raise opinion on #FeesMustFall

City News – Wits Fees Must Fall Protest 20 Sept 2016



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