Prevention is better than cure

Mass immunisation campaign will be carried out at all primary health care facilities in Ekurhuleni.

The National Department of Health will be conducting an integrated measles and polio campaign to protect the health of young children.

The department plans to achieve at least 95 per cent measles vaccine coverage in children aged six to 59 months and a 90 per cent oral polio vaccine (OPV) coverage in children aged 0 to 59 months.

The City of Ekurhuleni will take part in the mass immunisation campaign that will be carried out at all primary health care facilities in Ekurhuleni.

Vaccinations will be conducted in two rounds, from September 12 to 30 and the second phase from October 31 to November 11.

“Prevention is better than cure and we encourage parents to bring their children to be immunised irrespective of their immunisation status,” said Ekurhuleni spokesperson Themba Gadebe.

In addition, the integrated campaign will also afford opportunities for nutritional screening in children aged six to 59 months by conducting a mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening test.

Parents are reminded to bring along their child’s clinic card.

Details of the vaccination process are as follows:

• First immunisation round

Measles vaccine: six to 59 months

Vitamin A: 12 to 59 months

Mebendazole deworming tablets: four to 59 months

Nutritional screening: six to 59 months

• Second immunisation round

Oral polio vaccine: 0 to 59 months

Also read: What to know about school admissions and immunisations

Keep them healthy, vaccinate

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