Robbery leaves man breathless

Robbery triggered an asthma attack.

A 56-year-old Dalpark man suffered an asthma attack during an armed robbery in his home over the weekend.

The man was held up in his Langenhoven Road home, along with his wife (also in her 50s) on Saturday.

The resident was watching TV at about 2.40pm when he heard a car hooting at the gate.

As he was expecting visitors, he opened the gate for the vehicle.

He also unlocked the door and security gate.

Read: ‘I’m sorry’ – armed thug apologises to victim during robbery

As the car pulled into the property, a man with a gun alighted the vehicle and approached the resident.

The man, who was wearing a dust mask, pointed the firearm at the resident.

He took the resident into the house and instructed him to lie down.

The masked man was joined by two others, one of whom was also wearing a dust mask.

One of the men immediately went to the entertainment area of the house and started unplugging electronic items, taking a television set and a games console.

The resident was then taken to the main bedroom, where his wife was lying on the floor.

She was being watched by one of the men, who had a gun pointed at her.

The resident was told to lie down next to his wife, and while the robbers were ransacking the room, he told them the location of the safe.

The resident was instructed to fetch the keys and open it, and was then instructed to lie down again.

The resident suddenly became breathless and one of the robbers asked him if he suffers from asthma.

When he replied in the affirmative, the robber asked him where his asthma pump was.

The resident told him he used a nebuliser and the robber instructed the resident’s wife to plug in the device.

The robbers continued searching the house and were also overheard talking about being hungry.

In addition to the television and games console, they fled with three laptops, a surround sound system, cellphone and other valuable items.

A case of house robbery was opened at the Brakpan Police Station.

Also read: Family survives armed robbery

Video: Brazen robbers carry out daylight robbery in Brenthurst

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