Mayor participates in challenge in America

Ekurhuleni mayor Clr Mondli Gungubele left for Boston, USA, on Sunday, last week, to participate in the FAB11 City Mayor's Challenge, organised by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the FAB Foundation.

Gungubele formed part of the Making Cities mayoral panel yesterday (Saturday).

He joined other mayors from the USA, Latin America and Europe to discuss the future of cities and the role of digital fabrication in the construction of a new economy and societies.

It is envisaged that the mayor’s participation at Fab11 will facilitate strategic partnerships with, amongst others, MIT, the Fab Foundation and related stakeholders, in support of the city’s endeavour to roll out more Fab Labs in Ekurhuleni.

More so, it is envisaged that the city’s participation will enhance the Ekurhuleni Aerotropolis’s value proposition to attract technical cooperation, related R&D capabilities and investment.

“Having already established three fabrication laboratories in our area, and after having been exposed to the impact that these Fab Labs have had on the youth of Thokoza, Tembisa and Tsakane, I am very excited at the opportunity to participate on a global stage in the evolution of the Fab Labs,” said Gungubele.

“Having visited some of the labs, I was amazed at the talent that is being demonstrated by young people in Ekurhuelni and I am sure that these are proving to be grand investments into the creative capabilities of our people.

“This global platform also affords us an opportunity to compare notes and learn best practices with the rest of the world, as we continue to roll out more fabrication labs.

”I am also certain that much as we shall be able to learn a thing or two from the other countries, we are confident that we shall, too, teach the world a thing or two.”

The mayor and the Ekurhuleni delegation will return home on Tuesday.

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