
Metro launches open-handed foodbank

As a metro that is determined to alleviate the problem of food shortages, the Ekurhuleni Metro will launch a foodbank at the Springs Fresh Produce Market today (31 July).

The charitable initiative that distributes food to those who have difficulty purchasing sufficient fruits and vegetables to avoid hunger was introduced at Springs Fresh Produce Market in September 2014, as a pilot project.

To date the Foodbank has a total of 13 registered non-profit organisations (NPOs) which receive fruits and vegetables on a weekly basis.

The NPOs, in turn, distribute food parcels to an average of 1 570 individuals, making a total of 947 household that benefit on a weekly basis.

“Hunger is an enemy that cripples productivity; one cannot function on an empty stomach, because food is the fuel of the body,” said the Ekurhuleni spokesperson Themba Gadebe.

“This is an initiative that will ensure Ekurhuleni residents from the humblest of backgrounds do not go to bed on an empty stomach.”

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